R & D signage solutions

5 tips for signage design

Signage is designed to be seen so our team has a few important factors to consider when you are looking at new signage. Signage needs to be right for your needs and it needs to be consistent – with other branding, with the environment, and with what it sets out to achieve.

  1. Keep it simple!

Make sure your key message is easy to read and the observer can easily identify who you are and what you do. Use your sign to speak to your audience but at the same time ensure it is readable by people of all ages in passing.

Don’t clutter your sign with too much text or too many colours. 3 – 5 words is said to be the perfect amount to have on your sign as the human brain can take in this information even when driving past.

  1. Be clear about your intention!

A sign on top your roof or on your window has two main purposes: to make it easy for people to find you when they are looking for you and to get the attention of new potential clients. Don’t use your sign to make a sale. Once you have people in your shop, you can do your sales.

  1. Be interesting yet appropriate

As with every piece of advertising, your sign will compete against many others. It is important to design a sign that makes you stand out but without losing your brand identity. Your signage is the face of your business and if this is not on point with your brand, it might do your business more harm than good.

A cheeky or thought-provoking message paired with a strong image is a great way to stay front of mind with your potential new clients.

  1. Make it last!

Design your sign so that it is timeless and can stay where it is for as long as you need. Of course, weather conditions will also lead to deterioration over time, but you should not have to replace your sign every 2 years.

Don’t put any special offers or other information on your sign that are temporary.

  1. Ensure it can be seen!

The best design is not going to work for you if people cannot see your sign. When choosing the perfect spot for your new sign, test the location first. Do a few drive-bys at different times of the day. Your sign might be easily readable during peak traffic times but what about when traffic flows? Can it be seen from a distance? Are there any trees or high buildings that will block the view? Think ahead – are there any developments planned that might hinder your sign from being seen?

Is your sign visible at night? If an illuminated sign is not suitable, speak to your electrician to see if they can install some outdoor flood lights.

At R&D Signage Solutions we will work with you to find out what you need, to help you identify what your signage needs to do. We’ll give you honest advice and often suggestions to save you money now or in the long run.

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